Romero: A Story of Contemporary Christian Heroism: Faith and Film

Sep 2, 2016 @ 6:45 pm  —  Sep 2, 2016 @ 9:00pm

“I sing a song of the saints of God…and one was a prophet, and one was a priest, and another was slain by a fierce wild beast…”

This famous hymn by Lesbia Scott that so many love to sing highlights the role of “saints” in our everyday lives – those “saints on earth” that help us travel through life with the help of the Divine. Our summer faith and film series “Celluloid Saints” will delve in to the lives of everyday saints and how their extra-ordinariness is the stuff of real life faith!

What are you never supposed to talk about at the dinner table? Politics and Religion. We are going to discuss both and IN DEPTH! Assassinated in 1980, Archbishop Oscar Romero opposed the tyrannical repression in El Salvador. What have we learned today? How does our current political climate speak to our faith, especially in this election year? Come find out and join the discussion.

Rated 75% Fresh at Rotten Tomatoes

Sanctuary UCC

458 High St, Medford, MA 02155 United States 

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    Sanctuary UCC
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    The Medford Film Collaborative is a coalition of community organizations in Medford Massachusetts who share a passion for film.
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