Faith and Film @ Sanctuary UCC

Jun 5, 2015 @ 6:30 pm

“A Fantastical Journey tale and a Hero tale spun together.”

In a forgotten but defiant bayou community cut off from the rest of the world by a sprawling levee, a six-year-old girl, exists on the brink of orphanhood. Buoyed by her childish optimism and extraordinary imagination, she believes that the natural order is in balance with the universe until a fierce storm changes her reality. Desperate to repair the structure of her world in order to save her ailing father and sinking home, this tiny hero must learn to survive unstoppable catastrophes of epic proportions.

Nominated for four Academy Awards, including Best Picture. Sundance and Cannes Award Winner.

Call or email us to ask about the film title or to get on our mailing list! Our Licensing Agreement allows us access and screenings but limits public marketing of the film title. If you are on our mailing list, you will get email with film titles.

Screening and Discussion led by Rev. Anastasia E. B. Kidd; A Free Will Offering will be collected.

Sanctuary UCC

458 High St, Medford, MA 02155 United States 

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    Sanctuary UCC
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    The Medford Film Collaborative is a coalition of community organizations in Medford Massachusetts who share a passion for film.
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